By: Kayla Blietz

Demonstrators holds up a sign between Hornbake Library and the Biology and Psychology building at the University of Maryland on Feb.09.2023 (Kayla Blietz)
As students gathered between Hornbake Library and the Biology and Psychology building on Thursday, Echoes of shouting and laughter rang throughout the crowd at the leading men in middle of the crowd who had signs stating, Women belong in the kitchen and Jesus still kills people.
James and his partner visited the university to spread thier message to the students. According to The Baltimore Sun, these two men are apart of the Key of David Christian Center located West of Philadelphia.
They have visited other universities including Towson University and colleges in the Philadephia area. The only one asking questions and speaking was James. James took a frontal stance and shouted out his opinions on women.
“We are not here to put women down, We are here to put women in their place,” said James.
His partner’s sign is white and black with a yellow bold print that reads “warning obey Jesus or hellfire.” Most of the students scoffed and laugh at them.
Rose McKentry, a freshman mechanical engineering major has her own thoughts about James's message to the students.
“See the thing is I hate to say it's hilarious but it is because I can’t believe people think like this,” said McKentry.
“Sometimes he makes a viewpoint where you can understand that viewpoint but it goes back to you are wearing leggings so you are a whore... I am worried that some people agree with him," said McKentry.
Griffin Biddle, a freshman mechanical engineering major shares his viewpoint on James’s message.
“It’s pretty disgusting if I am being totally honest. It’s just people that think this way are so outdated,” said Biddle. “Get with the times', everyone is equal, it’s fucked up yeah it's fucked up”